I hate fish.

2010-06-13 @ 12:35:33 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Hej bloggis! Imorgon börjar jag jobba. Nervööööös. 
Anyway. I keep thinking I should study but then it hits me that I don't have any studying to do. And it's not like it happened once, the thought strikes me all the time. It's wierd. 

I'm thinking of watching the Star wars movies or the lotr films. I prefer lotr but i've seen them more than 30 times. I DON'T KNOW. 

Also, I think that people who get upset over the littlest things needs to grow up. It's pathetic. 

Well, here you go, a bit of swedish, a bigger bit of english and some bitterness- I think I'm done wrighting.

Au revoir, les enfants.


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