I wish a comet would crash outside my door

2010-04-03 @ 15:49:23 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()
So, today I woke up, made myself a cup of coffee and watched TV. It was just like a regular today-i'm-doing-nothing-day. Nothing good were on TV so I opened up my laptop and... WHAT?! 
I had no acces to my account which basically means I'm screwed. But as the technical genius I am, I managed to fix it. I'm bored to death. And usually, when I'm this bored, I start to think too much. And the conclusion of todays thinking is that I don't like people. 
Is it seriously that hard to act decent? Jeez, retards. I should stop talking, or typing, before I say too much but people are so slow minded it drives me crazy.  
Fuck thissss.

That's me sleeping in the classroom. That picture describe what I'm feeling right now.


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